Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Name It

I was stewing over Rock Stew when it finally occurred to me why I was so bothered by it: Stone Soup is the title of a children's mag! I guess Rock Stew is the grown-up version? Heh.

Methinks a good brainstorming session is in order.

I've invited a couple of friends to have a look at our blog-about-it blog here; one has had a peek and thinks we should definitely go for it. Thanks, Liz! Your opinion means a lot to me! I don't know if the second invitee has been here or not, nor -- if she has been -- whether or not she's rolled her eyes at our flight of fancy. (A decided flight of fancy considering my reduced circumstances!)

I put in some time with MSPublisher over the weekend to see just how workable it is. I'm happy to report that the program includes CMYK and Pantone functionality. I'm investigating the difference between "Black" and "Process Black" in the Pantone system, because of problems I am aware of on the printing end: one of these is probably what is known as "rich black" that uses all 4 printing colors (cyan, magenta, yellow, black -- the CMYK of CMYK, with black being K) to create black, while the other should be 100% K. My thinking is that "Process Black" is the one we want (100% K) but I won't know until I run a test .pdf and use the full Acrobat to see the color separations. That is, however, an easy step.

I will have to learn where all the buttons are for everything, but after an initial foray into it, I'd say that Publisher will be just fine for our purposes.

1 comment:

  1. Heh, I admit I sometimes make the jokes a little obscure on purpose....
